After initial contact by telephone or email, we will make an appointment to visit you. This usually will be where you are living at the time, whether that is in your own home or in a care home or hospital. By seeing you in your own environment, we are better able to establish a treatment plan that is tailored to your specific needs and is more likely to achieve improved independence for you. The more we know about your background in advance, including your symptoms and any previous
medical history, the quicker we can start treatment and the more relevant it will be.
Please have as much information available as possible prior to our meeting. You can of course have a friend or relative, or your Carer with you if you wish. The first meeting will last approximately one hour and comprise an assessment of your posture, movement, balance and level of function. Together we will agree a plan in order to achieve realistic short and long-term goals and an ongoing rehabilitation programme.
The cost of this consultation is £75. The frequency and cost of subsequent treatment will be discussed and agreed following the initial assessment but if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask for more information.